We are proud to have recently installed two defibrillators at Luton Town FC, the units are located outside the main ticket office and on the Kenilworth apron. Having the units available allows for peace of mind if an incident was to ever occur. Although we hope they never have to be used.
CPR and defibrillation make the difference between life and death, there are around 30,000 heart attacks every year in the UK outside of a hospital setting, and if a defibrillator is used within 2-5 minutes the survival rate jumps from 6% to 74%.
See below story detailing How Sue’s CPR training saved fellow Hatter Paul’s life and the installation of two defibrillators at LTFC.
“Also present at Kenilworth Road was fellow Hatter Ollie Kay, the We Are Luton Town podcast host who set up a fans’ fundraising page that raised over £3,000 to pay for a Lockyer Tifo – as seen at Bournemouth recently – and two potentially life-saving defibrillators to be positioned outside the ground.”
“After Tom Lockyer had his incident, I got in touch with the club pretty much straight away to see if we could raise money for a crowd-surfing banner, set up the GoFundMe page, I put £20 in at midnight and then woke up to find that we had smashed the target,” said Ollie.
“We had discussions about what to do with the extra money and talked about buying defibrillators for here at Kenilworth Road and crucially outside the ground, so they can serve the local community.”
FPM have a close relationship with LTFC and after completing the Premier League Summer 2023 project we were more than happy to provide the labour and materials for this project free of charge.
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